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Is Your Business Super Bowl-Ready? - Factum Consulting Ltd. | Boutique Consultancy with Global Expertise
UK: +44 (0) 7887.661.589 & US: +1.281.416.2323 contact@factumltd.com

With Super Bowl LI descending upon the city of Houston, companies have been working nonstop over the past few months to ensure they’re prepared for the influx of business (and traffic). And major sponsors and companies ranging from telecom to logistics services to hospitality and emergency services have no doubt been planning for this momentous event for several years.

While not every company will feel the direct impact from, or be directly involved in, the actual Super Bowl, it’s important to consider how your business will fare in the event of a sudden need for scalability. No one wants to be left resting on their heels, struggling to overcome hidden process obstacles that may have gone unnoticed.

Scale Requires Preparation¦

Can your IT infrastructure support a 200%+ increase in bandwidth usage? What happens if your stellar sales organization successfully lands a game-changing contract?

It’s important for your business strategy to include plans for ensuring success when important events occur, especially ones that have the potential for large revenue generation. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be an event as significant as the Super Bowl; it could be an annual conference not typically held in your area or a disruption in the market your business could capitalize on.

¦So, is Your Business Prepared?

Is your business equipped to handle a sudden influx in sales? How do your employees respond to dramatically increased demands? Will an inability to effectively respond to increased demand mean more than just missing a good opportunity?

The answers to these questions will help you identify how much effort may need to be expended to shore up your operations. However, the exact steps you need to take may not be as obvious, especially being immersed in your business. You may need to redesign your business processes, review your human resource planning, or change your entire business model. But you won’t be sure without the proper guidance.

The world’s top companies understand this, which is why they invest in expert advisory from outside sources”experts who can bring an objective point of view to the table, thus combating groupthink mentalities that can stall innovation and growth.

In reflecting on the proven benefits of a diverse workplace, it only makes sense that bringing in outside consultants with fresh ideas and unbiased loyalties is the go-to method for companies serious about business continuity and scalability. It’s part of how they prepare for scale and capitalizing on great opportunities.

And, after all, it’s been said that 80% of success is preparation. So, how will you prepare for your Super Bowl?

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